Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines Decorating Ideas

To get into the Valentines Day spirit here is a decorating idea that you can find adorning the Boutique this month!

These 3-D hearts make for a festive chandelier, with some inspiration a la Martha Stewart (

Pink Poster Paper (I got mine at Target)
Pink tissue paper (from the boutique)
Chopsticks (From the chinese restaurant down the street haha)
Twine (from the boutique)
A stapler

If you take a look at the Martha Stewart link it will show you how to fold and cut the hearts
I did three different sizes to make my heart chandelier.

-Cross the two chopsticks together to make an X shape and loop the twine around the crossing point until it is secured.

-Have the longest strand of twine going down from the cross section of your X and 4 shorter strands along the end points (You can play with this to get a lot of different looks for your chandelier)

-Push the twine in-between the folds in your heart to get it to stay on, you can staple it in place if it isn't holding

-Finally, stuff each heart with a little tissue paper to give it an added 3-D effect.

-Enjoy your pretty little paper heart chandelier!

Creativity comes from having to be resourceful with what you have, so don't be afraid to use different materials for your project :)


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